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  • Resveratrol Goes Unused While Modern Medicine’s Arsenal Of Weapons Against Coronary Artery Disease Fails To Reduce Mortal Risk

    August 30, 2011: by Bill Sardi

    They die, one every minute.

    A sudden blockage of blood circulation in one or more coronary arteries results in damage to heart muscle that many cannot survive.

    They represent as many as 1 in every 6 deaths in the U.S.

    They are American adults whose lives should have been saved but weren’t.

    There are 16 million of them at high risk who have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease.

    The baby aspirin tablets, the statin cholesterol-lowering drugs, the streptokinase clot busters and inserted catheter balloons that break up clots in coronary arteries aren’t saving as many lives as advertised. Baby aspirin doesn’t sufficiently inhibit clots in heart arteries and a standard aspirin tablet induces bleeding gastric ulcers that can be mortal in themselves.

    Then there is resveratrol, that red wine molecule that is rescuing lab animals from the throws of mortal heart attack, but only in a few humans who have ventured to try it.

    Each day that goes by, more Americans die, needlessly.

    Rarely does a defibrillator get to cardiac arrest patients fast enough.

    Dr. Frank W. Selke at Brown University expounds on the promise of resveratrol to prevent these deaths in a recent issue of Current Atherosclerosis Reports. He says “extensive research in the past several decades has identified multiple mechanisms by which resveratrol modifies the cardiovascular risk factors that lead to coronary artery disease, yet translation to the clinical arena has been unexpectedly slow.”

    Despite all the news headlines and published studies involving resveratrol in recent years, Dr. Selke says “to date, there have been no clinical trials investigating the effect of resveratrol on cardiovascular risk or co-morbidities.”

    But why?

    Slowness in this instance is marked by the early gravestones. Yet there is probably more progress being made in resolving migraine headaches or hemorrhoids than there is for this life-threatening disease. And 16 million Americans are walking time bombs. There is no impetus to put resveratrol to the test, possibly because the only commercially available resveratrol products are dietary supplements, not drugs.

    Dr. Selke says many of the risk factors for coronary heart disease are uncontrollable (age, sex, family history), so modifiable risk factors need to take precedence.

    Strong evidence points to wine as the most used preventive measure, even if it isn’t consumed for that purpose. Moderate consumption of wine reduces the risk of coronary artery disease mortality by 40% and even over-rides and counters the risk posed by tobacco use.

    Yet physicians have been reticent to prescribe red wine for fear it would give license to over-indulge.

    Dr. Selke lists all the factors involved in coronary artery disease and shows how resveratrol counters all of them – cholesterol, blood clots, blood sugar, obesity, high blood pressure. Instead of taking five drugs, just one would do – resveratrol.

    Dr. Selke describes how resveratrol inhibits the arrival of smooth muscle cells that are sloughed off and migrate to the site of plaque buildup in an artery which results in a calcified-capped plaque. This fibrous hardened plaque then sets the stage for the sudden development of a clot that becomes the life-threatening event we know as a heart attack. Resveratrol inhibits this process. There is no other drug that does this effectively.

    Resveratrol is not a welcome prospect for pharmaceutical companies, which is maybe why there are no resveratrol drugs at hand, yet there are over 360 brands of resveratrol dietary supplements. Unfortunately, most resveratrol pills are untested or are provided in doses that are so low (in micrograms) as to be meaningless or so high as to present problems of Cardiotoxicity.

    Dr. Selke calls out one animal study conducted by Dr. Dipak Das at the University of Connecticut involving resveratrol, a study which Dr. Selke says is of “major importance.”

    It is a study where laboratory rats were pre-treated with resveratrol or resveratrol + other natural molecules, and then their excised hearts were subjected to a heart attack. Not only did resveratrol limit damage to heart muscle, but it turned an otherwise mortal heart attack into a non-mortal event.

    Even more striking, resveratrol and more so a resveratrol matrix combined with other natural molecules was able to switch key genes back to their pre-heart attack state. The resveratrol matrix (Longevinex®) worked far better, doubling the pumping pressure in the aorta, the first blood vessel outside the heart, following a heart attack.

    The clock ticks, clots are forming now in coronary arteries unbeknown to most at-risk subjects. Resveratrol largely sits on the shelf while an arsenal of other medications can’t match what it can do in the animal lab. ### © 2011 Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc. Not for posting on other websites.

    Superiority Of Longevinex® Over Plain Resveratrol
    Induced Heart Attack In Excised Heart Of Rodents
    Reference: PLoS One December 2010





    After heart attack, no treatment

    After heart attack, with Longevinex®

    After heart attack, no treatment

    After heart attack, with plain resveratrol

    Size (area) of heart attack (scar tissue)


    (43% reduction)


    (32% reduction)

    Pumping pressure of the heart
    (mm Hg)


    (100% improvement)


    (20% improvement)

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