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  • Longevity Seekers: Is This Your Future? Lessons From The World’s Oldest Man

    August 21, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    Sakari Momoi, age 111, is being honored by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest man on earth. [The Japan News Aug 21, 2014] His recent photographs don’t serve as motivation for younger adults to surpass his age. The primary reason: he looks old, very old. What youth-seekers really want, to their very last day, is thick hair, smooth skin and “Viagra baby.” They don’t want to look as parched as Sakari Momoi.


    Mr. Momoi’s right eyelid droops low (called ptosis). He doesn’t live independently, he is institutionalized. He has aging spots all over his skin. His hair has thinned and is fully receded. He may be edentulous (without teeth) as all of his photos have been taken with his mouth closed. He’s likely to have had cloudy cataracts removed and needs a hearing aid by now. The ravages of aging.

    Misao Mikawa, age 116 years, the world’s oldest woman (also from Japan) looks pretty shriveled up too (below, right). Nobody should expect otherwise.


    Now if there were only something that could be done about all those wrinkles and aging spots. (There is! Read below.)

    I don’t know how many times I’ve shown a photograph of a man blowing out 100 candles on his 100th birthday cake only to receive the following immediate reaction: “Oh, I never want to live that long!”

    This is the undercurrent that squashes any effort to get the masses to adopt the idea of an anti-aging pill into their daily health regimens. Just look how many dollars are spent to look young (hair dye, skin creams, plastic surgery, contact lenses) versus money spent to live longer.

    People want to look young in the mirror, not live longer. Why buy an anti-aging pill that could lead to spending more years in a wheelchair drooling at the mouth with half your mental faculties?

    It has been ten years since a Harvard professor first said on the front page of The New York Times that an anti-aging pill in the form of a red wine pill is at hand. That same Harvard professor just recently said: “the secret to stopping the ageing process is closer than we think” and that he “wouldn’t put a limit on the human lifespan.” [Yahoo News Aug 19, 2014] But with that said, resveratrol pills are not even in the top 100 herbal supplements sold.

    Regardless, 432 companies mistakenly thought resveratrol pills were going to be the next rage. Only one of them has been scientifically validated. And that published scientific report showed the promise of superlongevity from taking these pills (except for that one particular brand) would not be fully achieved genetically without life-long use. [Experimental Gerontology Sept 2008]

    But for the less than 100,000 estimated Americans who are taking resveratrol pills, virtually any resveratrol brand of pill will do that is affordable. Science doesn’t capture a higher price either.

    These red wine pill companies mistakenly believed science would drive sales. But the scientific community along with pharmaceutical and physician groups have all but squashed the market for resveratrol pills, misleadingly claiming resveratrol is not biologically available and falsely accusing a leading researcher of scientific fraud which led to his death. [ Sept 25, 2013] And why shouldn’t the medical-industrial complex protect their turf? It has been said that resveratrol would eliminate the need for 20 different classes of drugs and a whole lot of doctoring.

    The maker of the best-tested resveratrol has received unsigned letters on university letterhead saying if they don’t stop conducting research on their product the research community will put them out of business.

    Will there ever be a recognized anti-aging pill? Only for the few who have the mental faculties to assess the science and can afford to buy them.

    For the masses, the mirror will remain the judge of anti-aging pills. In that regard, dietary supplements that provide hyaluronic acid, a jello-like watering-holding molecule in the human body, holds the most promise for restoring thick hair, smooth skin and flexible joints.

    While most physicians are acquainted with injectable hyaluronic acid gel to plump up lips and to cushion knee joints, they mistakenly believe hyaluronic acid is not orally absorbed. But stomach acid breaks down oral hyaluronic acid into smaller molecules that can be absorbed and oral hyaluronic acid does produce a beneficial effect as demonstrated in a recent study. [Scientific World Journal Nov 2012]

    Who would have thought that the promise of a long and healthy life would be spurned for the sake of vanity?

    The modern pursuit of an anti-aging pill has been as fruitless as Ponce de Leon’s search for the fountain of youth. But that doesn’t mean no one has ever cracked the longevity code.

    Luigi Cornaro of Padua Italy lived 102 healthy years (1464 to 1566 AD) by adherence to a limited diet (12-ounces of food a day) and red wine (3 glasses a day). He utilized two known modern pathways to longevity – a calorie-restricted diet and its molecular mimic, resveratrol in red wine. [The Art Of Living Long, Luigi Cornaro] –©2014 Bill Sardi,

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